HES presentation

Seance and Elections


On 15 December 2022 Antal Örkény, sociologist gave a presentation entitled "Identities and Identity Politics" at the seat of the Hungarian Europe Society. Further on at the annual meeting, István Hegedűs was elected to chairman, Emma Gothár, Erik Uszkiewicz and Zselyke Tófalvi to vice-chairpersons, Anita Bakos, Kata Nagy and Zsófia Stahl to members of the supervisory committee of HES. 

No Hopes?


On 26 May 2021 the Hungarian Europe Society held an online discussion focusing on the Western Balkans. First, Hana Semanić, former research fellow at the Central European University, Center for European Neighborhood Studies spoke about „Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Path to the EU: State of Affairs and Key Issues”, followed by Beáta Huszka, member of HES, Marie Curie fellow at ELIAMEP in Athens, visiting researcher of ECFR, assistant professor at ELTE talking about „Political Upheavals in the Western Balkans during the Covid Crisis”.

Presentation by Lord Russell-Johnston, former president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Lord Russell-Johnston, former president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe gave a presentation for members of the Hungarian Europe Society on 29 September 2002 in Budapest.

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