Is the Learning Process Transitive?

Is the Learning Process Transitive?

István Hegedűs, chairman of HES contributed as a moderator at the conference organised by the Centre for EU Enlargement Studies at the CEU entitled "Mapping Out Possibilities of V4 Countries in Strengthening the Civil Society Sectors of Serbia and Georgia" on 21 November 2011.

On 14 May, 2010, István Hegedűs held a presentation entitled {ln: 'Euroscepticism, Europessimism Twenty Years After the Regi
"Austerity, solidarity, stability? How economic and monetary union affects the new member states"- The annual round table debate of the CEU Jean Monnet Chair in cooperation with the Hungarian Europe Society and the Center for European Union Research (CEUR) took place on 30th November 2012.
Graham Avery, senior advisor, DG Enlargement of the European Commission gave a presentation for members of the Hungarian Europe Society on 15 October 2001 in Budapest.
Lord Russell-Johnston, former president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe gave a presentation for members of the Hungarian Europe Society on 29 September 2002 in Budapest.
Graham Avery, member of HES Advisory Board, and secretay general of the Trans European Policy Studies Association talked about the further enlargement of the European Union on 21 May 2008 in Budapest at Menza Restaurant.