On 25 October 2024 István Hegedűs met members of the organisation Atelier Europe who arrived for a study tour in Budapest. During the conversation the partners discussed the political situation in Hungary and the Orbán-government's international policies. 

The Hungarian Europe Society, together with its partners in the DIACOMET project, organised a panel discussion on the 28th Forum 2000 Conference on 15 October 2024 in Prague.

Between 30 September to 3 October 2024, Erik Uszkiewicz participated at the 2024 Warsaw Human Rights Dimension Conference, organised jointly by the OSCE Chairpersonship of Malta, with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

As a preparation for the task of designing the Principles of Good Communication Conduct, the DIACOMET project has completed a systematic collection of existing codes of ethics and guidelines for public communication. They are presented to the public in the form of a searchable online database that is integrated in the DIACOMET project website. It is now available online.

Communication Distortions and the Possibility of Democratic Dialogue in the 21st Century
– in-person international conference organised by the Hungarian Europe Society under the auspices of DIACOMET project in cooperation with the SCIENCE+ regional network –

Date: 12 November 2024, Tuesday 12:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Venue: Central European University, Budapest Campus, 15 Nádor utca, Budapest, H-1051, Room 106

RSVP: please register here by 8 November 2024.


“Mothers of Europe” / Európai nők - Az európai sztori másik fele 
Női küzdelmek a demokráciáért, szabadságért és az egységes Európáért Magyarországon, illetve a világon

– a Magyarországi Európa Társaság és az ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar konferenciája –

Dátum: 2024. október 22., kedd
Helyszín: ELTE TáTK, Ferge Zsuzsanna Kari Tanácsterem, földszint 0.100/C, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.


Conference photos by Ivola Bazánth

The Hungarian Europe Society organised an in-person and on-line workshop under the auspices of the DIACOMET project in cooperation with the SCIENCE+ regional project entitled "Scientific disinformation and populism" on 25 April 2024.

Hungarian civil society organisations, including the Hungarian Europe Society, called on EU Member States to finally take action in the Article 7 procedure against the Hungarian government on 20 June 2024.

The Hungarian Europe Society, as a member of Civilizáció NGO community, signed a protest against the so-called sovereignty protection bill introduced by the Hungarian government in November 2023. A broader campaign was also started to collect supportive signatures from citizens on 1 December.

In February 2022 HES signed the joint declaraion of Civilizáció to object that the Hungarian authorities' continuously pestering the Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület and the Magyarországi Evangéliumi Testvérközösség (MET). The signatory organisations stand for Oltalom and the religious community of MET and refuse the government's long-lasting offensive against them.

HES signed a joint letter of Civilizáció in February 2022 to express its respect and appreciation to the civil disobedience of Hungarian school teachers. The signatory organisations support the teachers' claims and acknowlede: strike is a fundamental right!