Youth, Democracy, Inclusiveness


In the framework of the Citizen-rights project trainers of the Foundation for Democratic Youth in co-operation with the Hungarian Europe Society held sessions about democratic rights and responsibility for altogether hundred students of the Petrik Lajos Bilingual Secondary School, the Alternative Secondary School of Economics, the Városmajori Secondary School and the Politechnikum between November 2015 and January 2016.

Security and Liberty

In June 2015 a new book entitled "The Rule of Law and Terrorism" edited by Petra Bárd was published by hvgorac publishing house. The starting momentum of the volume was a conference held by HES under the same title in 2006. The publication has been sponsored by HES from a grant of the Open Society Institute.

Where To Go, Scotland?


On 10 September 2014, Roger Golland, a British diplomat and political analyst talked to the members of the Hungarian Europe Society about the possible outcomes of the referendum on Scottish independence to be held on 18 September 2014, and its European implications in the contexts of the rise of nationalisms in Europe and the financial-economic crisis.


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