
Communication Distortions and the Possibility of Democratic Dialogue in the 21st Century


Communication Distortions and the Possibility of Democratic Dialogue in the 21st Century
– in-person international conference organised by the Hungarian Europe Society under the auspices of DIACOMET project in cooperation with the SCIENCE+ regional network –

Date: 12 November 2024, Tuesday 12:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Venue: Central European University, Budapest Campus, 15 Nádor utca, Budapest, H-1051, Room 106


“Mothers of Europe” / Európai nők - Az európai sztori másik fele 


“Mothers of Europe” / Európai nők - Az európai sztori másik fele 
Női küzdelmek a demokráciáért, szabadságért és az egységes Európáért Magyarországon, illetve a világon

– a Magyarországi Európa Társaság és az ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar konferenciája –

Dátum: 2024. október 22., kedd
Helyszín: ELTE TáTK, Ferge Zsuzsanna Kari Tanácsterem, földszint 0.100/C, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.


Conference photos by Ivola Bazánth

Conference recordings on the YouTube Channel of HES


As a preparation for the task of designing the Principles of Good Communication Conduct, the DIACOMET project has completed a systematic collection of existing codes of ethics and guidelines for public communication. They are presented to the public in the form of a searchable online database that is integrated in the DIACOMET project website. It is now available online.

Media Polarization Turbulences in Georgia and the Visegrad States: How to Depolarize?

The publication titled "Media Polarization Turbulences in Georgia and the Visegrad States: How to Depolarize?" was issued by the Georgian Institute of Politics in partnership with the Hungarian Europe Society, the Strategic Analysis Think Tank (Bratislava), the Institute of Public Affairs (Warsaw) and Masaryk Univers

Charlatans or explorers?


Scientific disinformation and populism

INVITATION to an in-person and on-line workshop organised by the Hungarian Europe Society under the auspices of DIACOMET project
in cooperation with the SCIENCE+ regional project

Date: 25 April 2024, Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 PM
Venue: Hungarian Europe Society, H-1052 Budapest, Gerlóczy utca 11.

RSVP: via e-mail (uszerik[at] by 19 April 2024


DIACOMET approaching its first year


The DIACOMET consortium gathered on a project meeting in Budapest, Hungary, organised by Hungarian Europe Society on between 10 and 12 April 2024.

As the project is approaching its first year, the consortium meeting was a great opportunity to review the project activities so far and make plans for the future. The meeting began with a workshop on Dilemmas of Democratic Dialogue, organised under the auspices of DIACOMET. 


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