HES Members in Tbilisi

HES Members in Tbilisi

© Boris Kuznetsov - https://www.flickr.com/photos/125787387@N08/51732806191/

István Hegedűs and Erik Uszkiewicz gave presentations about the state of the Hungarian media at the event "Causes and Implications of Media Polarization in Georgia and V4 states" organised by the Georgian Institute of Politics at the Tbilisi Marriott Hotel on 15 April 2024. The Hungarian Europe Society is a partner in the project called “Supporting Decrease of Media Polarization in Georgia and V4 States”.

PHOTOS from the event

Georgian Institute of Politics, in cooperation with the International Visegrad Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, is pleased to invite you to the Virtual  Public Discussion- "Analysing Polarization in Georgia and V4 States: Domestic and External Factors," which will...
Concluding Public Discussion April 15, 2024 | 12:00h (GMT +4) | 10:00h (CET) Tbilisi Marriott/Hybrid AGENDA Analysing Media Polarisation in Georgia and V4 States: Domestic and External Factors - Main Findings for Hungary
The publication titled "Media Polarization Turbulences in Georgia and the Visegrad States: How to Depolarize?" was
Hungary in the Schengen system - Bastion or Gateway? the booklet published by the Hungarian Europe Society on the visa issuance practice in Hungary can be downloaded below.