No more red lines left to cross

No more red lines left to cross

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The analysis by HES chairwoman Zsuzsanna Végh concerning the so-called empowerment law of the Hungarian government adopted on 30 March 2020 was published by the European Council on Foreign Relations, a pan-European think tank on 2 April 2020. The commentary is available here.

On 23 April 2020, the European Platform for Democratic Elections published HES chairwoman Zsuzsanna Végh’s analysis on the domestic developments of the first weeks following the adoption of the so-called empowerment law in Hungary.
The article of István Hegedűs entitled "Európa-görcsök" ("Inflexibility towards Europe") was published in Népszava on 24 December 2002 about the completion of the accession negotiations between Hungary and the European Union
The article by István Hegedűs "Görcsoldó. Provincializmus vagy európaizálódás" about the Hungarian strategy of foreign affairs was published by Figyelő on 13 December 2007.
The publication by HES entitled "Uncertain Times: The Future of Trans-Atlantic Relations from the Perspective of NGOs and Think Tanks in Central Europe and Hungary" has been issued in December 2021. 
The analysis by István Hegedűs entitled "The Hungarian elections: What is the current situation and what can we expect?" was published as a European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN) publication on 1 April 2022.