Comparison between Hungary and Norway
"Changing models of media authorities" - was the title of the public debate held on October 3rd in the House of the European Union by the Center for Independent Journalism and the Mérték Médiaelemző Műhely (a think tank for media research and analysis). The organisers invited the interested media professionals to discuss the ideal structure and functions of the media authority. On the event, which was moderated by Györgyi Kocsis, vice-president of the Hungarian Europe Society, Gabor Polyak, the head of Mérték Médiaelemző Műhely described the different concepts of media experts regarding a ligitimate media authority. This was followed by the presentation of Kjell Nyhuus, the Secretary of the Norvegian Press Council about the features which guarantee stability and transparency to the self-regulation based Norvegian media-regulation system, and the operation of the complaint committee in particular.