Open Forum on the Western Balkans in Budapest

Open Forum on the Western Balkans in Budapest


Bartha Attila, Györkös Péter, Valon Veliqi, Adnan Huskiæ

Open Forum Budapest on 8-10 May 2009 organised by the Hungarian Europe Society and the Germany-based NGO Citizens of Europe focused on the mismatch between the role of the European Union as a “civilizatory” power in the Western Balkans and the public attention in most of the member states.


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08 May 2009.
Miklós Regőczi, member of HES, deputy general manager of BKV, made a presentation entitled The present and the future of the Budapest Transport Company (BKV) on 16 June 2008.
On 30 January 2015 István Hegedűs gave an interview to Klubrádió about the visit of the German Chancellor in Hungary.
István Hegedűs gave an interview about the Hungarian government's policy against the Central European University to Lánchíd Rádió on 1 June 2017.
First Event of the interantional conference series on Media and Politics held at the European Youth Centre Budapest, Council of Europe on 7-8 April, 2000. Freedom of the Media in Central and Eastern Europe - International Conference in Budapest, 7-8 April 2000 -
Graham Avery, senior advisor, DG Enlargement of the European Commission gave a presentation for members of the Hungarian Europe Society on 15 October 2001 in Budapest.