New Executive Board Leads HES
The Hungarian Europe Society held its traditional annual workshop and general electoral assembly on 3 January 2016. Firstly András Schweitzer gave a presentation entitled “Party competition and democracy: Has the left-right division become senseless (again)?” Following his speech, Dorka Horváth addressed the audience with her thoughts under the title: “Clicktivism”: online political movements”.
The participating HES-members re-elected István Hegedűs as chairman of the Society and extended the number of members of the Board to four. Györgyi Kocsis, András Schweitzer and Zsuzsanna Végh were elected as vice-chairpersons, whilst the members of the old Supervisory Board, Anita Bakos, Petra Bárd and Zsófia Stáhl, were re-elected.
03 January 2016.