New Executive Board Leads HES

New Executive Board Leads HES


Schweitzer András, Hegedűs István, Tosics Iván, Kendernay János, Szuly Kinga, Bakos Anita, Uszkiewicz Erik

The Hungarian Europe Society held its traditional annual workshop and general electoral assembly on 3 January 2016. Firstly András Schweitzer gave a presentation entitled “Party competition and democracy: Has the left-right division become senseless (again)?” Following his speech, Dorka Horváth addressed the audience with her thoughts under the title: “Clicktivism”: online political movements”.
The participating HES-members re-elected István Hegedűs as chairman of the Society and extended the number of members of the Board to four. Györgyi Kocsis, András Schweitzer and Zsuzsanna Végh were elected as vice-chairpersons, whilst the members of the old Supervisory Board, Anita Bakos, Petra Bárd and Zsófia Stáhl, were re-elected.

03 January 2016.
First Event of the interantional conference series on Media and Politics held at the European Youth Centre Budapest, Council of Europe on 7-8 April, 2000. Freedom of the Media in Central and Eastern Europe - International Conference in Budapest, 7-8 April 2000 -
Graham Avery, senior advisor, DG Enlargement of the European Commission gave a presentation for members of the Hungarian Europe Society on 15 October 2001 in Budapest.
Are we afraid of the European Union? - The European Union as a Reference Point in the Hungarian Public Discourse. Presentation of József Péter Martin at the conference "The Future of the Enlarged European Union", November 29, 2002.
The event was organised for journalists of the Middle Trans-Danubian Region of Hungary on 8 December 2005 in Székesfehérvár by the Hungarian Europe Society.
"About the European Union - in Plain Language and on High Level" was the title of the event held by HES (Petra Bárd, Bartha Attila, István Hegedűs, Györgyi Kocsis) at the University of Szeged on 9 May 2006.