Charlatans or explorers?

Charlatans or explorers?


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Charlatans or explorers? Scientific disinformation and populism

– in-person and on-line workshop organised by the Hungarian Europe Society under the auspices of DIACOMET project
in cooperation with the SCIENCE+ regional project –

Date: 25 April 2024, Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 PM
Venue: Hungarian Europe Society, H-1052 Budapest, Gerlóczy utca 11.


6.00 PM – Arrival
6.30 – 6.40 Erik Uszkiewicz (Vice-Chairperson, Hungarian Europe Society; Researcher, DIACOMET): Welcome and summary on the DIACOMET Budapest meeting
6.40 – 7.20 Nikoletta Nagy (Journalist,, Zsolt Hanula (Editor, and Péter Lugosi (Journalist,, all of them are members of the SCIENCE+ Network:
War and scientific disinformation trends – What tools do journalists have?
7.20 – 8.30 Q&A, debate

RSVP: via e-mail ( by 19 April 2024


The EU-funded DIACOMET project will advance ethical and accountable communication by promoting capacity building for civic resilience against disinformation and civic accountability. The project will generate a concept of dialogic communication ethics, providing a framework for an inclusive model of accountability mechanisms that combine media accountability with civic accountability, bound by a civic code of good communication conduct (a new type of communication ethics).

Funded by the European Union (grant agreement ID: 101094816). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Fake news, disinformation and conspiracy theories in the Hungarian public sphere was the title of the in-person and on-line workshop organised by HES under the auspices of DIACOMET project on 21 February 2024 at its seat.
Dilemmas of Democratic Dialogue – workshop organised by the Hungarian Europe Society under the auspices of DIACOMET project Date: 10 April 2024, Wednesday 9:00 AM. – 12:30 PM. Venue: ibis Styles Budapest Center (Budapest, Rákóczi út 58., H-1074) Program